Introducing Pub Supervisor Tillie Holmes

Meet Tillie Holmes, our Pub Supervisor at The Working Boat. Tillie moved down to Cornwall six years ago, trading Wiltshire fields for Cornish beaches when she came down to study at Falmouth University. Tillie got a degree in English Literature, and when presented with the options of moving back up-country, or staying by the sea and surviving on pasties, Tillie explains that the choice wasn’t exactly difficult. Now a Supervisor at The Working Boat, Tillie has worked at the quayside pub for nearly two years.
Favourite part about job?
The excellent team at The Working Boat certainly make the job that much more enjoyable, not to mention the views, but I have to say that my favourite part of the job is our regular four-legged customers. They’re easy to cater for – a bowl of water and a few treats – and they always leave great reviews.
What makes Falmouth special to you?
We used to visit a lot to see family, and to get away from city life, so I’ve always known Cornwall as a second home. I love the easy way of life down here, and it’s great to be close to family. I live in a holiday destination – what’s not to like?
What Cornish Delicacy is your favourite?
I’m partial to a nice cheese selection, featuring a generous portion of Cornish Yarg.
Sum up Falmouth in five words?
Relaxed, friendly, uplifting, easy-going, and beautiful.
Looking for things to do in 2020? Stay up to date with our events at The Working Boat here.