Our charity of the month: Man Down

To mark men’s mental health month, our November quiz charity is the Cornwall-based men’s mental health organisation, Man Down.
All donations made at our November quizzes will go towards the organisation, who work hard to address stigma and support men’s mental health in Cornwall.
So, we thought we’d give a quick introduction to Man Down and the invaluable work that they do.
Who are Man Down?
Man Down are a community interest company focused on men’s mental health. They provide informal peer-support talking groups for men with mental health concerns all over Cornwall.
They do this through regular group sessions in 24 locations across the county. All sessions are open to all men over the age of 18.
In their own words they, “connect people through experiences and provide each other the empathy and compassion needed to break down those barriers society has created over the years”.
They describe their sessions as being; “as inclusive as possible with no judgement, only support and understanding from people who can be there to listen and support you.”
The Man Down Journey
Man Down was established four years ago to help tackle the issue of male mental illness and suicide in Cornwall.
On average, men are three times more likely to commit suicide than women. Shockingly, Cornwall has a male suicide rate higher than the national average, Tragically, in Cornwall, there is an average of one male suicide every 5 days.
Through the safe, non-judgemental groups and support offered, the organisation has already helped thousands of men across the county.
Alongside the group’s fortnightly meetups, they also host events and challenges to raise awareness, weekend retreats and social events.
Brad Osman, Co-Founder and Director said:
“We are always pleased to receive support from local Cornish business. We receive support from the Working Boat Pub in Falmouth as well as generosity from The Greenbank Hotel. As well as the funds that will be raised at November’s quiz nights at the Working Boat these events are valuable for raising awareness of Man Down and how we are breaking the Stigma around Men’s mental health. I thank you all on behalf of all the volunteers and members of Man Down Cornwall.”
Our quizzes have already raised thousands for Cornish charities this year. In October, we supported Cornish dog charity K9 crusaders. Other charities we’ve raised money for this year include The Wave Project, West Cornwall Search and Rescue and Falmouth Community Football.