A Dry January Q&A with Lucky Saint

Whether you’re taking part in Dry January, or just committing to drinking less after Christmas excess, you don’t have to go without a refreshing pint.
There are an increasing number of good quality, authentic tasting but low alcohol beers on the market – one of which is Lucky Saint.
And lucky for all of you temporary tee-totalers, we serve Lucky Saint on tap. So you don’t have to miss out on having a cool, refreshing pint in January.
We caught up with Matt Arrowsmith from Lucky Saint about the journey so far and what the future has in store for the UK’s most popular alcohol-free beer and official partner of Dry January.
How did Lucky Saint begin?
A few years ago, Lucky Saint’s Founder, Luke, had a thought: what if all the occasions on which we drink beer could come with, or without alcohol. Alcohol-free beer was nothing new, but great tasting alcohol-free beer? That would be a revelation.
After two years working with several breweries across Europe, Luke still hadn’t been able to brew a beer that he really believed in. Until…he approached a 400-year-old brewery steeped in history. Luke met with the brewery owner (who was wearing his drinking trousers – it was Friday after all) and painted his vision – to finally reward those who aren’t drinking with the beer they deserve. When he was finished, the owner slammed his fist on the table – he loved it.
After months of travelling back and forth from Germany, brewing 60,000 litres of beer, Luke got a call from the Brewmaster. He had something new to show Luke, a beer that had been left unfiltered. Poured fresh from the tank, hazy and golden, Luke took a sip. That was it, the beer he had been searching for.
What was the biggest barrier for creating an alcohol-free lager?
The technology. Without getting too technical, there are 3 main ways of creating alcohol free beer, and they vary in cost and effectiveness. We use vacuum distillation which enables us to create a great tasting full strength lager before removing the alcohol. It was this technology that was part of the reason that Luke went to Germany.
What is the most important thing to consider when producing an alcohol-free lager?
Quality and/or taste. What’s the point in trying to create an alcohol free lager if it doesn’t taste like lager? Whether people are teetotal, moderating or driving they will want something that tastes like the real thing and something they are proud to drink.
What is the most memorable feedback you’ve had about Lucky Saint?
I’ve had multiple people say to me that Lucky Saint gave them the confidence to give Dry January or Sober October a go. However, one that really stuck out was a friend’s uncle who was drinking heavily. His doctor had told him to stop else it could be months. My friend got him onto Lucky Saint and he immediately stopped and is now 6 months sober.
What does the future hold for the company?
The last few years have been huge year for Lucky Saint, and we recently achieved a two year goal of attaining our B-Corp certification, which has put us on the path to putting people and planet before profit. We continue to be the definitive alcohol free beer brand in the UK, expanding across Europe, and all whist continuing to make sustainability second nature.
The Working Boat are proud to serve Lucky Saint on draught. Why not pop in and try it for yourself!