Falmouth Sea Shanty Festival 2024: The Line-Up

Falmouth Sea Shanty Festival 2024: The Line-Up

We’re excited to announce that once again The Working Boat is an official venue and headline sponsor for the Falmouth Sea Shanty Festival this June. Whether you’re an avid sea shanty fan or just enjoy great food, Cornish beer and a buzzing atmosphere, you won’t want to be anywhere else during the weekend of 14th-16th June.

About The Sea Shanty Festival

Falmouth is steeped in nautical heritage and sea shanties are a significant part of Cornish culture and identity. Groups travel from all corners of the world to be a part of one of the biggest maritime concerts in Europe. Our pretty seaside town transforms into a hub of festivities and song, with everyone in high spirits.

Throughout the weekend The Working Boat will be serving delicious dirty fries piled with toppings (think crispy squid, hickory pulled pork, truffle and parmesan) to line your stomach before getting in on the action. We’ll also be serving a range of Cornish ales, beers and other beverages. Wash it all down with our selection of refreshing Cornish beers from the bar whilst you tap your toes along to the shanty singers.

What’s more, on the Sunday our famous roast will be served as usual. With the hustle and bustle of the festival going on outside, booking is essential to bag yourself a table.

Check out all the live acts who’ll be preforming in our marquee on the quay over the weekend…



1pm-2pm – Seaweed In The Fruitlocker
2pm-3pm – Odds & Sods
3pm-4pm – Month’s Advance
4pm-5pm – Missin’ Tackle
5pm-6pm – Freddies Barnet
6pm-7pm – Press Gang
7pm-8pm – Bryher’s Boys
8.30pm-9.30pm – The Longest Johns
10pm-11pm – Les Souillies De Fond De Cale


1pm-2pm – Brise Glase
2:30p-3.30pm – Pirates of St Piran
4pm-5pm – The Oggymen
5:30pm-6:30pm – Les Venus De Matelot
7pm-8pm – Swinging The Lead
8:30pm-9:30pm – Stus’ls Shanty Groupe
10pm-11pm – Molgoggers


12pm-1pm – Captain Cat & The Sailors
1:30pm-2:30pm – Barretts Privateers
3pm-4pm – 5 Men Not Called Matt
4:30pm-5:30pm – Severn Wailers

Please note we will be busy throughout the weekend, so parking will be very limited. We will be working on a first come first served basis, with no table service.