Introducing Adam and James from Verdant Brewery

Adam and James from Verdant Brewery started out as home-brewers before they decided that they wanted access to more hop forward beers, as many of their local pubs’ offering was limited. Now a local brewery based in Falmouth, Verdant Brewery create modern hop forward pale ales, IPAs and DIPAs. Their motto: “Drink fresh, hops fade fast!” We catch up with them to chat about the ins and outs of their journey.
What’s your favourite part of running a brewery?
We love creating new beers, as well as going to events and sharing brews with all of the lovely beer drinkers of the world. Watching people’s faces when they try the beer is a personal favourite – it’s great.
Where do the inspirations for your beer names such as ‘Roy, I want a Hilux’ or ‘I played bass on that tune’ come from?
Our beer names are essentially conversations we have around the brewery when we have some down time and have a drink together. We put funny comments or things people see and enjoy up on a board to then pick the names for the beer. Needless to say, quite a few get removed.
Which is your favourite of your own beers?
That really is a hard question and it all depends on the time and place! Currently with this bout of good weather, we’ve been really enjoying our collaboration with Track, Truckee. A table beer at 2.6% ABV but hopped to high heaven with citra and amarillo.
What makes your beer unique?
I can’t tell you that otherwise it wouldn’t be unique! But in all honesty I believe it’s the passion and whole-hearted love for the product – from brewing day right through to packaging, it’s a very meticulous process. Plus we have Cornish water, and that’s unique in itself.
What’s your favourite brewery?
Again too hard to answer and all depends on what I want from a beer. In terms of inspiration and what got me into drinking modern beers, I always looked towards Kernel & Pressure Drop. Nowadays there are so many great breweries it would be unfair to make me pick one. But if I really had to choose, it would be between the Stone Go To and Burning Sky. How we haven’t drank all of the Cuvee we have for the Seafood Bar is beyond me.
Why did you choose to set up in Cornwall?
It’s quite simple really, we live here and love where we live. We wouldn’t choose anywhere else.
What do you love most about Cornwall?
The natural light is incredible here and the fact that we’re at the very end of the road for the UK. I find the ocean gives the purpose to stop, look and reflect. It’s a dead-end unless you have a boat and considering I’m not the best on a boat I like to stop, sit on the beach and watch the world go by.
What would be on your must-do list whilst in Cornwall?
A barbecue on a remote beach late into the night, a few beers and some fresh fish. Simple but perfect. We’d probably be camping too, so that the evening doesn’t have to end.
When you’re not at work, where would we find you?
At home with the family. Failing that, at the pub or on the beach having a barbecue – you just can’t beat it!
Can you sum Verdant Brewery in three words?
Pasture Hop Conference.
The Working Boat are proud to stock a wide range of Verdant beers – so pop in and try them for yourself!